Little Alchemy 2 is a fun puzzle game, It tiles you with the goal of mixing elements to create new and interesting items. There are over 700 elements, so the challenge plus the rewards are surprising. This guide touches on the fundamentals of Little Alchemy 2 as well as some of its more interesting features, including
What is Little Alchemy 2?
Little Alchemy 2 starts with just four elements- Earth , Air, Fire and Water. Mixing these up results in a new item such as Clay or Plant and so on with further advancements able to create more intricate items like Tree, Animal and even Philosophy.
How to Make Key Elements
So there are many items that people want to gain and here is how you can get a few of the most sought after elements:
Basic Combinations
Lava: Combine Earth + Fire
Stone: Combine Lava + Water
Mud: Combine Earth + Water
Rain: Combine Cloud + Water (Cloud = Air + Water)
Energy: Combine Fire + Air
Intermediate Elements
Clay: Combine Mud + Stone
Soil: Combine Earth + Plant (Plant = Rain + Soil)
Plant: Combine Rain + Soil
Tree: Combine Plant + Time (Time = Sand + Glass; Sand = Stone + Air; Glass = Sand + Fire)
Grass: Combine Plant + Earth
Tool: Combine Metal + Human (Metal = Stone + Fire; Human = Life + Clay; Life = Water + Lava)
Wood: Combine Tree + Tool
Key Advanced Elements
Big: Combine Philosophy + Universe (Philosophy = Human + Idea; Universe = Star + Space)
Electricity: Combine Energy + Metal
Wheat: Combine Grass + Farmer (Farmer = Human + Plant)
Cold: Combine Wind + Snow (Wind = Air + Air; Snow = Rain + Cold)
Diamond: Combine Coal + Pressure (Coal = Plant + Pressure; Pressure = Earth + Earth)
Small: Combine Philosophy + Ant
Thread: Combine Cotton + Tool (Cotton = Plant + Cloud)
Armor: Combine Metal + Tool
Computer: Combine Electricity + Tool
Evil: Combine Human + Pandora’s Box
Animal and Related Combinations
Animal: Combine Life + Land (Land = Earth + Earth)
Dog: Combine Animal + Human
Cow: Combine Livestock + Grass (Livestock = Farm + Animal; Farm = Plant + House)
Cat: Combine Animal + Milk (Milk = Cow + Farmer)
Monkey: Combine Animal + Tree
Chicken: Combine Bird + Livestock (Bird = Animal + Air)
Environmental Combinations
Ice: Combine Water + Cold
Cloud: Combine Air + Water
Sky: Combine Air + Cloud
River: Combine Water + Mountain (Mountain = Earth + Earth)
Rain: Combine Cloud + Water
Fantasy and Mythical Elements
Immortality: Requires Myths and Monsters Content Pack
Deity: Combine Human + Immortality
God: Combine Human + Deity
Yoda: Combine Jedi + Swamp (Jedi = Human + Lightsaber; Swamp = Plant + Mud)
Time-Dependent Elements
Cheese: Combine Milk + Time
Alcohol: Combine Fruit + Time (Fruit = Tree + Sun)
Dinosaur: Combine Lizard + Time (Lizard = Animal + Swamp)
Space and Celestial Elements
Star: Combine Sky + Space (Space = Star + Sky)
Moon: Combine Sky + Night (Night = Sky + Time)
Gold: Combine Metal + Sun
Lightning: Combine Cloud + Energy
Miscellaneous Items
Paper: Combine Wood + Pressure
Juice: Combine Fruit + Water
Sugar: Combine Juice + Fire
Armor: Combine Metal + Tool
Lightsaber: Combine Sword + Electricity (Sword = Metal + Tool)
Nerd: Combine Human + Glasses
Hacker: Combine Human + Computer
Death: Combine Life + Time
Story: Combine Human + Idea
Other Essential Elements
Bacteria: Combine Life + Mud
Stone: Combine Lava + Water
Earth: Combine Water + Lava
Sand: Combine Stone + Air
Land: Combine Earth + Earth
Milk: Combine Cow + Farmer
Dough: Combine Flour + Water
Cheese: Combine Milk + Time
Steel: Combine Metal + Coal
Sword: Combine Metal + Tool
Sun: Combine Fire + Sky
Night: Combine Sky + Time
Star: Combine Sky + Space
Sheep: Combine Livestock + Wool (Wool = Sheep + Tool)
Thread: Combine Cotton + Tool
Glass: Combine Sand + Fire
Fruit: Combine Tree + Sun
Bird: Combine Animal + Air
Juice: Combine Fruit + Water
Why is Little Alchemy 2 Fun and Good?
Little Alchemy 2 revolves around endless solving and the charm of it lies within its array of combinations to try. The players have the enjoyment of creating super random items like Yoda, Dinosaur or even Deity. Its logical combinations require the players to use their brains and find all the possibilities.
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